It is important to be confident when it comes to giving a guy your number. It will help him to know that you are interested in him.

Confident Ways to Give a Guy Your Number
Confident Ways to Give a Guy Your Number

Try using one of these creative ways to give him your number. These tricks will let him know that you are interested in him without seeming desperate.

Ask for his help

Guys are socialized to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. If he knows that you need his assistance, he might be more likely to give you his number. This could be something as simple as telling him you’re moving to a new neighborhood and need his help locating a local bank, or even asking him for his opinion on a current event.

During your conversation, highlight your own skills and interests. This will make him want to ask you for your number so he can continue the conversation with you. For example, if you both love B movies, talk about your own collection at home and invite him over for a movie night.

During the conversation, try to initiate friendly physical contact. Whether it’s a gentle touch on the arm or a playful, assertive one on the shoulder, this will show him that you are interested in him and want to hear more from him.

Leave a note on his desk

A lot of girls have trouble getting their crush’s number. They might see him every day at school, work, or even the same class and be afraid to approach him. However, if you have some creativity, you can get around this problem in a very fun way. You can write a note and leave it on their desk or hide it somewhere else, but be sure to use a “tracer” in each one, so they know that the notes are from you.

For example, if they need help with their math homework, tell them to call you for it. This is an excellent way to give him your number without making a big deal out of it. Moreover, it will show that you’re interested in their interests and their ideas, which can further convince him to take the next step.

Write your number on his hand

If you like a guy and don’t have the courage to ask him for his number, try writing yours on his hand. This is a classy confident move that may convince him to take it. However, you should only do this if you think he likes you back. Otherwise, it could backfire.

If he’s the type to give out his number to everyone who glances his way, it might be difficult for him to remember yours. He might also forget your number if it’s too long between when you give him your number and when he texts you.

To avoid this problem, ask him to pass you something—a snack bowl, flyer, or book—and slip your number inside before you hand it back. This will ensure that he has your number and won’t forget it. It will also show him that you are serious about getting to know him. He will probably be pleasantly surprised by your gesture, and you can then move forward in the relationship.

Ask him to help call your phone

If you don’t want to give him your number directly, you can ask him to call you when he’s looking for someone. This is classy and confident, and it will let him know that you’re into him. Just be sure that you’re actually available to receive his calls, or else this tactic could backfire.

Another way to get him to call you is to invite him to a group activity. For example, if you’re both in the same club or class, you can invite him to attend an event and suggest that you both hang out afterward. This will make him want to call you.

You can also tell him that you’re new to the area, and he can help you find your way around. This will show that you’re not afraid to take a chance and it’s okay if the relationship doesn’t work out. Just remember that there are 4 billion men in the world, so it’s okay to try again.