You may be wondering what can you do to keep the interest of your new phone friend. Maintaining contact and showing that you care are recommended. You can show that you are thinking about your phone friend by sending photos of yourself. You may be wondering how many pictures you should send.

How Many Pics Should I Send Him
How Many Pics Should I Send Him?

That can only be answered based on the kind of relationship you have with one another. You honestly have options. You can have a conversation over the telephone with your phone lover to understand how much he wants you both to be in communication. Or you could just send pictures as often as you like and await his response. Although the latter option may be more scary in terms of putting yourself out there and being vulnerable, that is what happens with any new relationship. You are exposing who you are to another person and no matter the format of dating you are taking a chance. Even though it is a risk, you should just be who you are and if it doesn’t work out, there are many other opportunities to meet new individuals over the chat lines. Also, if you are truly being yourself and it doesn’t work out, it just means he isn’t the right match for you. There’s no need to beat yourself up. You are an unique and beautiful soul who will find someone who is right for you by continuing to be honest with yourself and others.

Also, things can always change and your phone friend can communicate what he wants. No matter what happens, you always have a choice. So, go ahead and send him a picture message that cute selfie or that sexy picture of you with the red lingerie on. If it’s in alignment with who you are, it will go far.