Flirting online is a great way to get acquainted with someone and find out if they’re a good match. But you need to know how to do it well.

How to Flirt Online
How to Flirt Online

In most cases, flirting isn’t about achieving some goal (like getting their number or buying them a drink). It’s about creating a positive interaction that makes you happy.

1. Use a flattering profile picture

The most important thing you can do when flirting online is to use a flattering profile picture. This will help women to get a feel for your personality and will make them more likely to want to chat with you.

It is a good idea to take a photo in front of a natural background, such as grass or a street, and keep your face in full view. This will give you a more natural look and also help to accentuate your eyes.

2. Send a warm message

When flirting online, you want to be sure that you are sending a warm message. This will put the other person at ease and help you build a rapport.

You can do this by asking questions, sending a song or a photo and making playful references to something in her profile. These will leave her wanting more.

3. Make a playful reference

One of the simplest and most effective ways to get the attention of your online crush is to make a playful reference in your message. This will help you win her heart by proving to her that you are paying attention to her and are interested in her.

In the context of a flirty email, this may mean making eye contact with her and using the appropriate tone of voice. The key to success is a well timed and considered message.

4. Ask a question

Whether you’re chatting with someone you like or just looking to have fun, asking a question can be a great way to get them talking. Ideally, these questions should be interesting and playful – they should also keep the conversations light and upbeat!

This is especially true when you’re chatting over text. Keeping the conversation short will help you to maintain a positive mood, which makes it easier for the other person to respond.

5. Make a joke

Humor is a big part of flirting, but you want to use it sparingly. Jokes at others’ expense can be a turn off.

Thankfully, there are many clever ways to use humor when dating online. The best way to do it is to keep the jokes relevant and playful. This will help you stand out from the crowd. It also shows that you know what you’re doing when it comes to picking up a new mate. Using the right techniques, you can flirt with anyone in any situation.

6. Send a private message

Flirting over text is an effective way to show someone you’re interested in them. Just be sure to keep it light and playful, though!

If you’re flirting over a platform like Snapchat, it’s especially important to be visual. This means sending a photo or video to kickstart the conversation.

7. Send a video

One of the most effective ways to flirt online is through video. This is especially true of Snapchat, which provides an array of fun filters that can help you stand out from the crowd. Sending a video also allows you to capture screen shots that can be used for future reference. It’s also an easy way to avoid the miscommunication that comes with face to face conversations.

The best part is that it’s likely that you’ll be able to keep it short and sweet, which is the perfect way to show off your sexy side without over-stepping your bounds.

8. Send a link

If you have a crush on someone and they often upload videos to Youtube, send them a link. It’s one of the cutest ways to flirt online because it shows them that you’re thinking about them.

Using games online is also a great way to flirt. Pick any game that involves a bit of guessing, including games that allow you to build words and images. It’s a gentle approach that slowly evolves into a harmless flirting. It compliments, impresses and is just fun!