If you want to turn on a shy girl over text, you need to build up the sexual tension in her and gradually attract her.

How to Flirt With a Girl Over Text
How to Flirt With a Girl Over Text

One of the best ways to do this is to compliment her on things she likes, such as her sense of humor or personality. By doing this, you show her that you appreciate her humor and are interested in what she has to say. You can also misinterpret what she says or do to build up the tension in her.


If you are trying to flirt with a girl over text, the most important aspect of flirting is to use appropriate emojis to convey your feelings. The goal of flirting is to make a woman feel desirable and enticed, so use romantic and dreamy emojis to do this. Avoid weird emojis though. If you want to be taken seriously, you should never flirt with a girl who doesn’t feel desirable.

To make sure your messages sound more romantic, use emojis with female faces. For example, don’t use animal emojis, which could give the impression that you’re a pig, since pigs often suggest a male identity. Also, avoid using tongue emojis, because women find them gross and confusing. Instead, use the wink face or smirk emojis, which can be flirtatious, cute, or even romantic.


One of the best ways to flirt with a girl over text is to call her by her nickname. This way, you can be cute and playful without being offensive. For example, you can call her Freckles or Little Miss Perfect. You can also use call-back humor to bring back memories of a fun time you had together. These flirty text messages will get her interested in you, and she will feel special.

A great way to flirt with a girl over text is to be wacky and funny, while at the same time being subtle and sweet. When texting a girl, use words like “honey,” “sweetheart,” or “honey” to create a romantic ambiance. These words are highly personal and can be used to describe her physical attributes. You can even use your own nickname to show her that you are romantic.


A good way to flirt with a girl over text is to be playful and mysterious, without being overly sexual. Misinterpretation can kill the flirtation, but you can use the handy “?” reaction function on iMessage to keep the conversation alive. This simple technique also creates sexual tension and fans the flame of attraction. It also doesn’t take much time to master, and you can use it on any woman, whether a girl is attracted to you or not.


If you want to learn how to flirt with a girl over text, you’ll need to know the basics first. When texting, you need to be sure not to send too many messages, as this can kill the flirting mood. Instead, send a few texts, roughly equal in number and length, and do not text her back right away. This is important for two reasons. First, you want her to feel like you’re not wasting her time. Second, if she is not responding immediately, it can make her feel like you’re not interested in her. Lastly, you want her to feel like you’re interested in her, and if you can give her that, she’ll feel more comfortable with you.

Third, it’s important to take a subtle approach. Trying to overdo it will freak her out, especially if you’re not familiar with her. Instead, try to show that you’re interested in her, but not obsessed with her. Moreover, it’s better to avoid sending the wrong messages to her, as this won’t make her want you more. If you are feeling nervous, you can try our free ebook to boost your confidence.

Creating space for a girl to chase you

One of the most important things you can do when flirting with a girl over text is to not overtext. A good rule of thumb is to keep the text ratio at one to one. That means texting a girl as much as she texts you. This will create the illusion that you are giving her all of your attention, which will increase the odds of her liking you.

When you’re talking to a girl, it’s important to show her that you’re not a distant jerk. Often, women feel jealous of other guys, which is fine as long as it is healthy. But if you’re using jealousy to get a girl, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Instead, try to use this to your advantage and create a situation where she’ll want to chase you.