The first date is always the most difficult, but if you know how to do it right, it can also be one of the most exciting. Whether you’re going on your first lesbian date or you’re a seasoned pro, here are some tips for making it a success!

Lesbian First Date - How to Make it a Success
Lesbian First Date – How to Make it a Success

Lesbian relationships tend to move much more quickly than heterosexual ones. It’s partly because women release oxytocin, which promotes bonding and deep intimacy.

1. Be yourself

First dates can be a lot of fun, but they can also be incredibly stressful. Maybe you don’t have much in common or chemistry, your ex shows up or you just feel awkward.

In any case, it’s essential to be yourself on a lesbian first date. This way, you can avoid mistakes and get the most out of your dating experience.

Be yourself by dressing how you normally dress, acting how you normally act and caring about things that matter to you.

Instead of talking about your ex or your health issues, stick to topics that are easy for both of you to discuss. This will make the date less overwhelming for both of you and help you see if there’s chemistry.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask her out

Whether you’re new to the lesbian dating scene or you haven’t had much success in the past, don’t be afraid to ask her out. It’s a lot easier to make a first date happen when you feel comfortable asking, and it’s likely she’ll be happy to go on a date with someone who’s confident about their sexuality.

It’s also a good idea to get her opinion on what she’d like for the first date. It’s important to note that women tend to be more open about their dating preferences than men.

3. Don’t be afraid to get intimate

When you go on a lesbian first date, you need to be confident enough to get intimate. This may seem like a scary step, but it’s important for both you and your date.

A fear of intimacy can lead to problems in a wide variety of relationships. It can be a problem in romantic relationships, friendships, co-workers, and even family.

If you find that you’re not comfortable getting intimate, talk to a therapist or counselor about it. They can help you work through it and find a way to make this part of your life easier.

4. Don’t treat ’em mean

A lesbian first date isn’t always the easiest thing to get right. It’s all the more reason to take your time and make sure she gets the right message. This includes making sure your date knows she can count on you to be a true friend and that you’re not looking to score the ultimate prize.

A first date that doesn’t end in disaster is the best kind of date. Having a swell time is the name of the game, but it’s also crucial to keep the conversation flowing and avoid getting stuck in a dead end. The best way to accomplish this is by introducing her to new topics and letting the discussion go where it goes. You’ll find that the biggest challenges in this kind of relationship will be figuring out what you want from her and what you can offer her.

5. Don’t get in the friend zone

It’s important not to get in the friend zone, because it can be a huge waste of your time. It can also lead to you feeling rejected, which is not a good way to start your dating life.

If you find yourself in the friend zone, it’s okay to back off from your relationship for a while. It’s not the end of the world and it’s possible that she will eventually realize how much you mean to her and want to get back with you.

Don’t forget to tell your girl how you feel about her. Taking the time to do this shows that you are genuine and honest, which can make her trust you more in the future.