When you’re dating as a gay kid, it seems like the lesbian pool is small AF. There are so few lesbians in your city that you latch onto every one who crosses your path. Especially if she’s the ex of your friend! What do you do? Go in for the kill.

My First Lesbian Was Ex-Friend's Ex
My First Lesbian Was Ex-Friend’s Ex

1. You can’t stop thinking about her.

When you’re a baby gay, it can be hard to move on from your first lesbian crush. It’s not easy, but it is possible. You will find new queer girls to lust over, to have extremely unsuccessful flings with, and to fall in love with. And while they may never mean as much to you as your first, it’s still okay.

To help yourself move on from your first lesbain, try to plan unique dates that are different from what you normally do. For example, instead of just going to dinner, you could take a walking tour of your city or go on a museum treasure hunt. Activities that involve the unexpected or a little adrenaline have been shown to increase romantic connection. So, even if it’s difficult, try to make your dates a bit more adventurous! You will thank yourself later. Just don’t stalk her on social media – that will only drive you insane!

2. You can’t stop dreaming about her.

It’s a little creepy to admit, but sometimes your dreams know more about you than your conscious mind. Those sexy gay dreams about your bestie’s lanky bartender or that guy who catches your eye at work could actually be your subconscious trying to tell you something.

Lesbian dreams often pop up when you feel like you’ve been keeping a secret in your life that others may not take kindly to. It could be anything from a sexual preference to an embarrassing secret about your past that you’ve been hiding.

Dreaming about your first lesbain might also be your brain’s way of working out its feelings about her and what you might be able to do together. Alternatively, this dream might be your higher self’s warning to slow down and focus more on the important things in life. So whatever your dream is telling you, listen to it. It might be helpful for you in the long run!

4. You can’t stop swooning over her.

You’ve fallen for your first lesbian, and her swoon-worthy personality, gorgeous eyes, and killer sense of style have you lusting over her like she’s Megan Fox. You’re giddy and in a haze, thinking that this is it, that she’s the one, and that you’ll live happily ever after.

If you’re looking for a fun date idea to take your new lesbian friend on – try a walking tour! Whether it’s in your own city, or you visit a nearby city together – it can be a really great way to get to know each other, and have something interesting to talk about! Try bringing a disposable or Polaroid camera for extra fun. You can always stop for a drink or dinner afterwards! This is the perfect low-key date!