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How to Deal With Swinger Experiences

If you're having trouble with a new swinger, there are a number of ways you can deal with her or him. How...

Is Hangouts Safe For Sexting?

If you are looking to find out whether Hangouts is safe for sexting, you have come to the right place. There are...

What Does a CD Mean in Your Dating Life?

Whether you're texting, sending an email or using a dating app, you might wonder what a CD means. Here are five common...

The Three Date Rule

It's been said that a woman's body deserves more than three dates, so why does a rule like the three date rule...

Lesbian Scenario Quiz

Whether you're a lesbian or you're just looking for a fun, informative quiz, here's a quiz that will test your knowledge of...

Having a Great Sense of Humour Makes Girls Crazy

Having a great sense of humour is an important aspect of a girl's personality. If she's not able to express herself in...