Most people love to kiss, and kissing during sex is no exception. However, the decision to kiss your partner during sex is entirely up to you. You may find certain positions unsuitable for kissing, or the heat of the moment may prevent you from kissing.

Romantic-Sexual Kissing
Romantic-Sexual Kissing

Regardless of your reasons for wanting to kiss, this is a common part of foreplay.

Romantic-sexual kissing

Romantic-sexual kissing is a cultural practice that can be found in a variety of cultures. It is common in the Middle East and Asia, but is rare in Central and South American cultures. No ethnographer has reported this practice in sub-Saharan Africa, New Guinea, or among Amazonian foragers, but it is widespread in northern Asia and in North America.

Recent studies have suggested that romantic-sexual kissing is not an universal human behavior. Although it is widespread throughout human societies, kissing is still a highly individualistic act. It is rare in some cultures, and it is often considered gross in others. For this reason, researchers are unsure of how universal the practice is.

Researchers from the University of Nevada and Indiana University examined ethnographic data from 168 cultures to determine whether or not romantic-sexual kissing is a cultural norm. They found that mouth-to-mouth kissing is not a common social practice in 54 percent of cultures. However, cultures with distinct social strata were more likely to engage in romantic-sexual kissing.

Health benefits

Kissing is a wonderful way to bond with a partner and boost your sex life. Not only does it make you feel better, it increases your body’s production of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for creating an even more pleasurable sexual encounter. Kissing also improves your health by lowering your cortisol levels and improving your immune system.

Kissing can also increase your heart rate, which increases the blood flow and dilates blood vessels. This can lower blood pressure and relieve menstrual-cycle symptoms. Studies show that regular kissing can also lower blood cholesterol. The exchange of saliva can also help the immune system by exposing you to new germs.

Kissing can also boost your bonding and reduce stress levels. Studies have found that kissing reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that contributes to increased stress. Research shows that kissing can reduce cortisol levels, which can lead to chronic heart disease. Kissing also helps the body release oxytocin, which increases feelings of well-being and reduces blood pressure.


Although kissing may be considered harmless by some, kissing can be an important way to transmit STDs and STIs. It is vital to discuss your sexual history with your partner and ensure that you are free of any sexually transmitted diseases before you kiss. For example, you should always avoid kissing if you have had an HSV flare-up.

Kissing can transfer bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some of these can be harmful, while others may only cause a mild infection. Fortunately, most of these viruses do not cause serious illness. Still, it’s a good idea to avoid kissing if you’re suffering from a cold. If you can’t avoid kissing, make sure to cough into a hanky first before kissing. There are also several vaccinations available to protect you from some of these diseases.

According to a recent study, kissing is a major risk factor for gonorrhoea transmission. While the study involved gay and bisexual men, the risk is still likely to be present for heterosexuals and sex workers.

Mistakes to avoid

If you want to impress your partner, kissing is a great way to start. However, it can turn out to be a disaster if you make common kissing mistakes. For instance, you may start out too fast or too aggressive. This could turn your partner off, and it could make you look like an overzealous teen. Instead, start out slow and let the kiss build naturally.

Another common mistake is using the wrong amount of tongue during a kiss. Using your tongue too much can leave your partner feeling uncomfortable, and your kiss may be a little dry. For this reason, you should practice using your tongue in the right way. Also, avoid aggressive biting. While some people enjoy being aggressive, others prefer softly bitten lips.

Many men don’t kiss their woman during sex. This is often a result of not being in the right position. To prevent this, make an effort to kiss her while inside her. Also, don’t bite her before she’s fully aroused. Biting her before she’s fully aroused can be painful.