The impact of sexual torture will be examined in a feminist context, beginning with the definitions of sexual torture. Next, we’ll discuss the mechanisms of sexual torture and how these mechanisms impact survivors.

The Impact of Sexual Torture on Men
The Impact of Sexual Torture on Men

Finally, we’ll examine the factors that justify this type of abuse. In the field, most professionals view speaking on behalf of sexual torture survivors as problematic, acknowledging that they can’t know their clients’ experiences in any detail.


Article 1(1) provides a non-exhaustive list of objectives. The article allows other objectives, but they must have some connection with the stated objectives, the State’s interests, and its policies. The article also calls for the elimination of torture by public authorities.

This Article is an important addition to the Convention Against Torture (CAT). The purpose of CAT is to prohibit the use of torture. It also makes clear that torture is unlawful when the victim is subjected to sexual violence. It includes rape, as well as other forms of sexual violence.

The definition of torture must be broad enough to cover all forms of the practice. The Committee urges states to take effective measures to prevent torture in all of their territory. Article 2(1) of the Convention requires state parties to take effective measures to protect their citizens from torture.

Consequences of sexual torture

Consequences of sexual torture can affect individuals in many ways. It can have devastating effects on the victim and the survivors of the abuse. It can also lead to the onset of a host of psychological and medical conditions. The report draws on the expertise of several distinguished experts to highlight the consequences of sexual torture. It also provides case stories that illustrate the devastation caused by this type of torture.

One of the most important effects of sexual torture is its impact on relationships. Many victims experience generalized anger and mistrust of authority figures. The impacts on a victim’s social self are often profound. Victims of sexual torture may be judged unfit to mother their children, and they may lose custody of their children.

Justification of sexual torture

Despite its widespread use, the justification of sexual torture is rarely understood. The lack of public awareness of this horrific practice has limited legal action against perpetrators. It is not uncommon for perpetrators to hide their acts. The lack of public recognition prevents many men from reporting their abuse. However, human rights advocates and healthcare professionals are beginning to recognize male sexual torture victims.

The lack of political will to punish torturers is the main obstacle to prosecution. However, the ICTY’s decisions on torture have sent a message that impunity will no longer be tolerated.

Response of institutions to sexual torture of men

Sexual torture of men is a serious problem in many countries. It is particularly common in conflict situations, such as in refugee and internally displaced people camps, as well as during military operations in civilian areas. One study showed that more than a fifth of Tamil men in Sri Lanka reported experiencing sexual abuse. Many were forced to perform acts of rape for entertainment. In El Salvador, in the 1980s, 76 percent of political prisoners reported experiencing sexual violence.

Response to sexual torture has many different dimensions. Psychological factors are the most pervasive. Psychological effects include generalized anger and mistrust toward authority figures. Sexual torture also affects the social self. Sexually violated women are often seen as unsuitable for motherhood, and they often face threats such as death or losing custody of their children.