Cougars are a popular term for women in their 40s and older who seek out men who are 10 to 20 years younger than them. They are commonly seen in pop culture and are now entering mainstream society.

What is a Black Cougar
What is a Black Cougar?

A cougar is an older woman who uses predatory sexual techniques to focus on a man much younger than she is. This is often seen in TV shows such as Cougar Town and films like The Graduate.


Mature black cougars are 2.2 meters (7 feet) long and weigh 90 kilograms (200 pounds). Males are larger than females.

They have muscular neck and jaw muscles that help them hold large prey, as well as four retractable claws on their front feet that allow them to cling to their next meal.

They can live in forests, deserts and other natural areas as long as there is adequate prey to eat. Their range extends from Canada to the southern Andes in South America, making them one of the most widely distributed land mammals on Earth.


A mature black cougar can weigh up to 200 pounds. This weight is achieved by eating an average of 14 mule deer per year.

These cats are primarily nocturnal and prefer to be left alone. However, they may be seen during the day if food is available.

During their life span, female cougars give birth to two or three kittens every two to three years. Their gestation period is 92 days.

When they are born, they weigh about one pound. They are nursed by their mother for the first 8-10 weeks of their lives. After they reach maturity, the female moves her kittens to a larger area where she hunts. She then stashes them before she returns to the den. She is fiercely protective of her cubs.


A mature black cougar lives in areas where there are a variety of natural resources. These areas include forests, rock outcrops, and caves.

A cougar’s habitat is a key factor in the animal’s behavior and ability to survive in a wild environment. This large carnivore is widely distributed throughout the Americas and has extensive adaptations to different habitats.

Its diet includes elk and mule deer, plus smaller mammals, including marmots. It is a highly skilled predator, using its long canines to grip prey and blade-like molars to cut it down.

Female cougars give birth to two to four kittens every two to three years, with 50% of them surviving the first year. They are extremely protective of their young and stay with them for as long as two years.


A mature black cougar is a large cat that is found in North and South America. This solitary creature is an excellent hunter and sprinter.

They hunt a wide variety of prey, including ungulates, such as deer. They primarily kill their prey by biting the throat and clinging tenaciously to the neck with their powerful front legs.

When the neck is broken, the prey animal quickly suffocates and falls to the ground. The cougar then drags the prey to a more secluded area where it can feed undisturbed.

Female cougars will give birth to two to four kittens, usually in late winter or mid-summer. They spend about a year with their mother before heading off on their own.


A mature black cougar has a number of defenses to protect itself and its cubs from predators. For example, its powerful jaws are designed to drive jumbo canine teeth into the back of the neck of prey, a technique that causes the vertebrae in the prey’s neck to split apart.

Another important defense of a cougar is its flexible spine. This spine allows the cat to leap high and land on its prey with a suffocating bite.