Getting a Scorpio man to text you back can be challenging. It requires confidence and sensitivity. It also helps to surround yourself with support and positive people.

When You Don't Text a Scorpio Man Back
When You Don’t Text a Scorpio Man Back

If you are having difficulty getting a Scorp to text you back, consider using a technique created by relationship coach Amy North. Her surprisingly simple method will subtly trigger his desire for you.

1. He’s not interested

Scorpio men are loyal and passionate but also guarded. If you have offended him in some way or he’s simply not interested in talking to you anymore, he will tell you in no uncertain terms that he’s done with you.

You can try to convince him that you are worth talking to by sharing something meaningful with him. It can be anything from a wild dream you had or a personal secret that no one else knows about.

Don’t text him to demand his attention, however, as this will only make you look clingy and needy. Instead, try to leave him a bit of suspense so that he will be eager to talk to you again. After all, nothing makes a Scorpio man happier than feeling desired.

2. He’s jealous

Scorpio men are moody, and they often get judged for their extreme broody behavior. If he starts to clam up and act odd around you, it’s likely because he feels that you are stepping into territory that is too personal for him or that you have started to make him jealous.

He will probably scream at you or disappear for a while, and he might even start to see other guys as competition. To stop this from happening, you should initiate a heart-to-heart conversation with him and explain that you only want to be his friend. You can also try to appeal to his sensual side by flirting and sending him sexy messages. Share some of your own secrets with him, but leave an aura of mystery to keep him interested.

3. He’s scared

Scorpio men are often secretive and they keep a lot of things to themselves. This can sometimes be intimidating, especially when you want to get close to him.

He may be hiding you because he’s not sure how much he really feels about you yet or because he’s testing his own feelings for you. He’s putting distance between you to see if he can resist your attraction and if so, then he knows whether or not you can be the one for him.

You can help him feel more open with you by being honest and saving long and profound discussions for face to face conversations. It’s also helpful to show him your goofy side by sending him jokes and memes, because people tend to be more comfortable around someone when they can laugh together.

4. He’s not polite

Scorpios are notorious for being rude and will do whatever they can to push your buttons. They may be flirting with other people, laughing at your jokes in group settings, or dropping off lunch or dinner at your work.

It’s possible that he is going through something private and doesnt want to talk about it with you. He could also be punishing you for something you did to him in the past.

If you think this is what’s happening, try to be more understanding and give him space. Don’t bombard him with texts that don’t concern him. Instead, let him know that you’re available if he needs to talk and let his curiosity do the rest. He loves a good mystery. Keep him wanting to text you.

5. He’s not interested in you

If he’s stopped texting you or is spending less time with you, that could be an indicator that he’s not interested. He may also be busy or going through a tough time with his work or his personal life.

But if you’ve done everything right, like letting him know that you’re into him by posting movie and music recommendations on your Instagram stories, sharing personal details but leaving an aura of mystery, and sending sexy texts, then he should let you know how much he cares about you.

If he doesn’t show any signs of interest, it may be time to move on. You deserve someone who is truly into you. And if that means a Scorpio man, then it’s probably time to start shopping around!