If you are not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, you may be feeling a little confused. This is a common situation and it can be quite difficult to deal with. But there are things you can do to make your relationship a lot better and to start getting some physical attraction from him.

Why You Are Not Sexually Attracted to Your Boyfriend
Why You Are Not Sexually Attracted to Your Boyfriend

Physical intimacy is vital to a relationship

If you are not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, physical intimacy can help you. It can also reduce the perception of loneliness.

Intimacy is an essential component of a healthy relationship. The lack of it can affect many aspects of a relationship, including trust, anger, and frustration.

Aside from emotional and sexual intimacy, there are other forms of intimacy. Practicing these can improve your relationship and make it more likely that you will continue to love your partner.

Whether you are interested in a romantic or non-romantic connection, a good starting point for intimacy is to share your thoughts. This helps you learn about your partner’s needs and expectations. Also, it can lead to an understanding that you both can have and do things together.

He’s taking medications that affect his libido

If you’re not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, you might be experiencing a problem with your libido. You may have a health issue or be under a lot of stress. Either way, you need to take a few steps to address this. The first step is to talk to your doctor. They can help you figure out what’s causing your libido to be low.

Your libido can also be affected by a number of lifestyle choices. For example, if you’re taking birth control pills, you might find yourself less interested in sex. Similarly, if you’re under a lot of stress, you might not have the energy to perform. Likewise, if you’re suffering from depression, you might be nervous about sex.

Medications that can affect your libido include antidepressants and illicit drugs. Talk with your doctor if you think your libido is being affected by a medication.

He doesn’t seem to have an interest in you sexually

If you have recently entered into a relationship with your man and he doesn’t seem to be interested in you sexually, you should be wary. He might have had a goofy first date or be a little nervous about the prospect of a sexual encounter. Luckily, you can solve his fears by talking about his personal needs and expectations.

The best time to broach the subject is in a relaxed and supportive setting. There’s nothing worse than bringing up an issue that’s important to your boyfriend in a tense situation, and it can kill your intimacy. It also might be a good idea to let him know the best time to ask you out for sex. You can find out when he’s not juggling a bunch of responsibilities at work or is spending the night with friends.